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Sell France

Give agencies the right leads to sell France.


Tourism TV

Just 3 months after March 15, 2020!

Point sur la situation des agences au 12 juin 2020. Les dates importantes de ré-ouverture des frontières. 

Upper view of a creative business team w

Travel Tech

Open Innovation

Open Innovation : Comment les agents de voyages peuvent devenir des héros pour leurs clients ?


Vivarel Travels

Travel Agency

Comment créer une opération sur Facebook avec un micro budget ?


Lucien Salemi

President CRM Tourism

Plus de ventes avec un CRM Collaboratif


Marie Allantaz

General Director ESCAET

L'ESCAET propose des formations dédiées à la solution CRM Tourisme. Réservé aux enseignants des écoles de tourisme.


Berlin Convention

The Challenge Tourisme association is looking for new talents

Réunie pour sa convention annuelle à Berlin, l’association Challenge Tourisme se définit comme « un forum d’échanges qui privilégie la prospective et l’innovation ». Avec aussi la mission « d’intégrer de nouveaux talents ».


Bucharest Convention

Open Innovation aims to change the image of travel agents

La convention Challenge Tourisme qui s'est tenue du 1er au 4 septembre 2016, à Bucarest, a consacré son édition annuelle à l’Open Innovation. 



Data professionals at the service of travel agencies

Agent de voyages : comment devenir un pro de la data ?


London Convention

Challenge Tourisme is working on the digitalization of agencies: “Man vs Machine”

Quelle sera la place des robots dans notre métier, dans le parcours du voyageur et dans la relation avec notre client ? 


Berlin Convention

Influencers, new business drivers in tourism?

Si les influenceurs font désormais partie de notre environnement, force est de reconnaître qu’il y a encore beaucoup de flou (économique et juridique) autour de la nature et des prestations fournies par ces professionnels. 


Martin Duval

Founding President of Blue Nove

Rencontre avec Martin Duval, fondateur de Bluenove, acteur majeur du conseil et des services en Open Innovation et en intelligence collective.


Guirec Grand Clement

Director of Operations Enterprise Rent a Car

Retour sur la convention Challenge Tourisme à Berlin : Business sous influence


Facebook micro budget

How to create an operation on Facebook with a micro budget?

Lucien Salemi ne cache rien de ses résultats. « Nous sommes passé, en moins de 3 semaines, de 50 à plus de 4700 likes !

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George Rudas

President of the French Tourism Institute

L'assemblée générale de l'IFT a élu Georges Rudas, PDG d'Amadeus France, en tant que nouveau président de l'association.

Image by Antony BEC


From Open Innovation to Collective Intelligence

Une vingtaine de professionnels du tourisme débattront à partir de ce jeudi 1er septembre et jusqu'au samedi 4 à Bucarest, sur le thème « Concevoir ensemble le futur du Tourisme ». 


Customer loyalty

"Customer bases are not well informed by travel advisors"

Notre idée a donc été de créer un robot qui puisse se substituer aux vendeurs afin d’ordonnancer et d’optimiser la mémoire commerciale de l’agence de voyages.


Convention Greece

Customer loyalty at the heart of the 2nd convention in Greece

C'est à Loutraki, en Grèce, que s'est ouverte, dimanche 6 octobre 2013, la deuxième convention du SNAV Méditerranée. 


Customer Testimonials

CRM Tourism: Testimonials Voyages wants to boost agency sales

CRM testimonials feed directly into the travel agency website.

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CRM to prepare for recovery

What can a CRM bring in this period of health crisis? This is the question we answered at Quotidien du Tourisme.



Jean Pierre Mas President EDV

Olivier Véran's measures: "they will have an enormous impact on the economy and travel"

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Madrid Convention

Growth is dead, long live growth... sustainable!

Growth today must be "virtuous", therefore sustainable, because public opinion has become very sensitive to questions of common goods (water, air, the environment) and their preservation.

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Madrid Convention

Grow or Die!

What growth strategy should you implement for your business? Internal growth or external growth?



When influencer marketing wants to make brands win

The Challenge Tourisme association, which regularly deals with current affairs, has made "Business under influence" the central theme of its convention in Berlin from October 5 to 7.


Emmanuel Bourgeat

Director Galileo Travel Port in France

A look back at the Berlin convention on the theme of business under influence.



President CRM Tourism

CRM Tourisme software packages were chosen by the Carlson Wagonlit Voyages network to equip its franchise members.


Lucien Salemi

President CRM Tourism

Havas Voyages uses CRM Tourism to equip its agencies.



President CRM Tourism

CRM Tourisme becomes a partner of the Tourcom network to equip its members (530 agencies) and make them more efficient.


Baku Convention

Challenge Tourisme held the Open Innovation Convention in Baku (Azerbaijan)

During a meeting organized on Saturday at the Tourism Ministry in Baku, Dr. Garayev Aboulfas Mursal oglu, Azerbaijan's Tourism Minister, rolled out the red carpet for the delegation led by Lucien Salémi, President of Challenge Tourisme.


Baku Convention

Open Innovation in Baku!

A delegation of around thirty professionals, led by Lucien Salémi, will fly to Baku (Azerbaijan) on September 3 to discuss the issues of Open Innovation.


Baku Convention

Challenge Tourisme brings Open Innovation to Baku (Azerbaijan)

Baku literally blew away the thirty or so participants in the Tourism Challenge Convention held this year in the Azerbaijani capital.


Marie Allantaz

Dinner debate organized by the President of the Training College

Challenge Tourisme considers optimizing Travel Management tools


Madagascar Convention

Sustainable tourism

A look back at the participants’ expectations.


Yves Godeau

Honorary President Acting for Responsible Tourism

ATR: ''In 5 or 10 years, sustainable tourism will become a customer requirement''


Lucien Salemi

President CRM Tourism

CRM Tourisme is acquiring new functions after 15 months of development.


Iceland Convention

A convention placed under the sign of “disintermediation”

Tourism Challenge: Iceland makes tourism professionals “melt”!


Krakow Convention

“When the virtual world disrupts the real world”

Tourism Challenge: why and how do sociological changes impact tourism?


Customer proximity

“The connected agency: new solutions for the travel agency of tomorrow”.

Interview with Lucien SALEMI by I Tourisme


Robot Match&Target

''CERED Talents'': Match and Target requalifies, targets and personalizes offers

Major innovation in CRM Tourism: creation of the Match&Target robot which requalifies all customers and contacts of travel agencies on a daily basis.

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